"Get to Know Our Spiritual Leader"

Pastor Craig Walden

In the spirit of Acts 2:42, our pastor embodies the heart of devotion, unity, and community, reflecting the principles set forth in the early Christian church. With a deep commitment to the apostles' teaching, our pastor passionately shares the transformative message of Christ, guiding our congregation in understanding and applying the timeless truths found in the Scriptures.

Devoted to prayer, our pastor recognizes the essential role of seeking God's guidance and wisdom in all aspects of ministry. Prayer becomes a cornerstone, fostering a spiritual atmosphere that seeks the presence of the Holy Spirit in every endeavor.

Embracing a sense of unity, our pastor actively fosters a community that shares life together. Just as the early believers were devoted to fellowship, our pastor creates an environment where members of Encounter Church support and care for one another, forming genuine connections that extend beyond the walls of our church building.

Continuing in the breaking of bread, our pastor leads with a heart for communion, recognizing the significance of the Lord's Supper as a symbol of Christ's sacrifice and a means of deepening our relationship with Him. This practice is a regular reminder of our shared identity and purpose as a community of believers.

With humility and sincerity, our pastor models a servant's heart, putting the needs of the congregation above personal ambition. Through teaching, counseling, and pastoral care, our pastor strives to nurture and equip individuals for a life of discipleship, echoing the example set by the early apostles.

In summary, our pastor, inspired by Acts 2:42, exemplifies a dedication to teaching, prayer, fellowship, and the breaking of bread. Grounded in these foundational principles, our pastor leads Encounter Church with a servant's heart, fostering a vibrant and loving community that seeks to grow in faith and embody the teachings of Jesus Christ.