Stay Connected with EGroups!
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Staying connected in a church small group is more than just a weekly gathering—it's a commitment to authentic relationships, mutual support, and spiritual growth. In our EGroup's at Encounter Church, we believe in creating a community where individuals can share their lives, joys, and challenges in a safe and caring environment. Through regular meetings, we build connections that go beyond surface-level interactions, fostering a sense of belonging and genuine friendship. Our EGroup's are a place where we pray for one another, study the Scriptures together, and navigate life's ups and downs as a supportive family. By staying connected, we not only strengthen our bond with each other but also deepen our connection with God, creating a space where everyone is valued and encouraged on their unique journey of faith. Joining an EGroup at Encounter Church is an invitation to be known, supported, and uplifted as we walk this path of faith together.

Ages 0-4

The E-Nursery at Encounter Church is a heartwarming haven designed with the utmost care and dedication to cater to the youngest members of our congregation. Nestled within the embrace of our church community, the nursery is more than a physical space; it is a place where the love of God is expressed through nurturing care. Our committed nursery staff, trained and passionate about child development, ensures a secure and joyful environment for infants and young children. With safety as a top priority, the nursery provides age-appropriate toys, comfortable furnishings, and a welcoming atmosphere. It is not merely a childcare facility during services; it is a space where the youngest among us can experience God's love through gentle interactions, simple lessons, and the warmth of a supportive community. Encounter Church's E-Nursery is a vital extension of our commitment to family, creating a foundation for a lifelong journey of faith for our little ones.