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Reflect & Renew Alert!

Mid-Week Pick Me Up!

Join us today for Reflection and Renewal

In our recent sermon, we delved into the profound message of John 13:1-5, In this passage, Jesus demonstrates an act of humility and service by washing the feet of His disciples. Despite being their leader and teacher, He takes on the role of a servant, setting a powerful example of love and selflessness. This is where Jesus commands us to love one another.

Here are three key takeaways on serving like Jesus:

  1. Serving Shows Love for Others: Jesus exemplified the highest form of love through service. His act of washing the disciples' feet demonstrated humility and selflessness. When we serve others, we express genuine love and care for them, mirroring Christ's example.

  2. Servants Look for Opportunities to Serve: Just as Jesus actively sought opportunities to serve, we're called to do the same. Whether it's through small acts of kindness or larger gestures of support, a servant's heart actively seeks ways to make a positive difference in the lives of others.

  3. Serving is a Characteristic of a Great Leader: True leadership isn't about authority or power; it's about service. Jesus, the ultimate leader, taught us that greatness is found in serving others. Leaders who emulate Christ prioritize the needs of those they lead, inspiring and empowering them through acts of service.

A fascinating insight from Jewish culture adds depth to this message: in the tradition of foot washing, it was reserved for the “lowest servant” of the group. This serves as a reminder of the humility required in serving others.

Moreover, Romans 12:10 encourages us to be there for one another, while Romans 12:15 reminds us of the importance of empathy and support. Ultimately, it's not merely about washing feet—it's about embodying the spirit of service in all aspects of our lives.

By serving others, we honor God and fulfill His command to love one another.

Let's continue to reflect on these teachings and strive to serve as Jesus did, with love, humility, and a servant's heart.

#EncounterChurch #ServeLikeJesus

#Acts242Church #ReflectAndRenew