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Reflect & Renew Alert!

Reflecting on Sunday's message about "Meeting with the King" from Psalm 95:1-7 and referencing Matthew 22:7, our pastor highlighted three key reasons why people may hesitate to come into God's presence: Distraction, Disinterest, and Defiance.

Drawing from the message, the challenge was clear: "Give God the best that you can because He is obligated to exceed it." The call to bow down and deny ourselves resonates deeply. It was emphasized that if we offer less than our best, we may receive less of God's best in return.

Here's a recap of the three main points:

  1. Be Present: In a world full of distractions, being fully present in our time with God is crucial. Distractions can keep us from experiencing the depth of His presence and hearing His voice.

  2. Bring Presents: Not just physical gifts, but the presence of our hearts and minds. Actively engaging with God through worship, prayer, and a willingness to give our time and talents demonstrates our sincerity and love for Him.

  3. Bow in His Presence: A posture of humility and surrender is essential. Bowing signifies submission, acknowledging His sovereignty over our lives. By humbling ourselves, we open the door for God to work in and through us.

    Remember, the key takeaway is to give God our absolute best because He deserves it, and in doing so, we position ourselves to receive the abundance of His best in return. Let's strive to be present, bring our presents, and bow in His presence, allowing His grace and love to transform our lives.

May this reflection inspire us to continually seek and embrace the joy of meeting with the King in every aspect of our lives.

#EncounterChurch #MeetWithTheKing

#Acts242Church #ReflectAndRenew