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Summary: We all face temptation. Some are tempted to lie. Others are tempted to disobey. Still others are tempted to cheat, steal, and hurt others. Satan has a plan to trap us into temptation and draw us into sin. Each day he sets traps to lure us into disobeying God. Sadly, many people do not realize this. If we are going to avoid temptation, we must be aware that Satan is out there. We must be constantly aware of the traps he’s laid out for us. If we ever think “it could never happen to me, there’s nothing to worry about,” then we will likely fall into his trap. A strong Christian will be on the lookout and avoid the temptation trap. In this lesson, the children will learn how to recognize the tricks of their enemy, Satan.

Power Verse: “The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy...” – John 10:10