Welcome to Encounter Church, where we believe in the transformative power of encountering God and connecting with one another.
Whether you're taking your first steps on your spiritual journey or seeking a place to deepen your faith, you're warmly welcomed.
How to Connect About Our Church
Baptism Sunday
Acts 22:16

Encounter Church's Baptism Sunday is a momentous occasion, echoing the biblical significance found in Acts 22:16. As we gather to witness and participate in this sacred event, they are reminded of the transformative power of baptism, both in the Scriptures and in their own lives. Acts 22:16 serves as a guiding beacon, echoing the words of Ananias to the apostle Paul, urging believers to arise and be baptized, washing away their sins and calling on the name of the Lord. This verse resonates deeply with Encounter Church's mission, inviting individuals to embrace the cleansing waters of baptism as a tangible expression of their commitment to Christ. Baptism Sunday becomes a sacred occasion where individuals publicly declare their faith, symbolically dying to their old selves and rising anew in the grace and forgiveness of Jesus Christ. It's a day of celebration, unity, and spiritual rebirth, as members of Encounter Church come together to witness and affirm the journeys of those who courageously step forward to embrace this sacred sacrament.

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The Fellowship of the Believers

They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Acts 2:42

Communion & Prayer
"Fostering Faithful Beginnings: A Christ-Centered Haven for Our Littlest Disciples in the Church Nursery"
Worship with Us!
"Elevate your Encounter during worship with us"
"Nurturing young hearts through our engaging kids ministry"
Worship Service
Join us every Sunday at 10:30 am!
"Discover the Heartbeat of Our Church through Fellowship"
The first 30 minutes of service is dedicated to a time of Fellowship, so grab a cup of coffee or juice and dedicate this time to connect with other believers!

How Can We Pray For You?

Galatians 6:2 (NIV) says: "Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way, you will fulfill the law of Christ."

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